
Original Neon Artwork

Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Koko's original neon artworks are more than just pieces; they're expressions of emotion, imagination, and boundless possibility. Each creation is meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire. View portfolio.


Commissioned Neon Signs

Seeking something truly one-of-a-kind? Collaborate with Koko to bring your vision to life. Whether it's a personalized neon sign for your business, a bespoke artwork for your home, or a striking statement piece for an event, our commissioned pieces ensure your space shines with individuality.

Installation Expertise

Transforming a concept into a tangible, luminous reality requires more than just skill—it demands precision and finesse. Trust Studio Glow to flawlessly install your neon masterpiece, ensuring it radiates its full potential in its designated space.


Repair Work

Even the brightest lights may flicker from time to time. Fear not—our team possesses the expertise to breathe new life into your beloved neon creations. From minor adjustments to comprehensive repairs, we'll ensure your neon continues to shine brightly for years to come.

Have an idea? Let’s talk.